Navigating Dashain: Your Ultimate Guide to the Scariest and Most Festive Festival in Nepal

Dashain is the second harvest festival of Nepal after the summer Chorten Lamzong. It’s also known as The Great Festival, which is held in June and July every year. If you’re unfamiliar with this month-long festival, let me give you a quick explanation.
To pep things up, locals celebrate Dashain with drumming and dancing to the rhythm of gowras and dhols. It’s also a great time to clean your house and get rid of all your leftover items that are no longer useful.
The end of spring signifies rebirth, new life, and prosperity—all of which are prominent components within this particular faith as well. Therefore, it only makes sense that its festivities would revolve around fresh fruits instead of rotting away ones that have gone bad.
Throughout Dashain, you will find pop-up shops selling fruits like watermelon, grapes, orchids, naan nei maad (a type of delicious cheese), lotus stem tea using a lotus pond on the roof for catching fresh water fish with traditional Nepalese recipes for preparing sweets for Chhaya Durga puja at home such as jaggery rice balls called ‘Rakhi Pachisi bhaji’ or clay sweetmeat called beewa with yak butter served raw until ready to eat before ending off with an entire meal on top of an altar filled with offerings in the evening called Th

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What is Dashain?

Dashain is actually a celebration of the Goddess Durga.
In Nepalese culture, they worship her as the one who protects them from all evil and provides prosperity from her divine power. This festival is an opportunity for Nepalese to show gratitude for their blessings received.
This festive event lasts for about eight days, during which time people prepare for it with great enthusiasm and happiness.
The entire month-long festivities are filled with celebrations, such as the Thami Puja (a religious ceremony), Thul puja (a festival that celebrates good weather), and Car Festival (when people decorate their cars with colorful cloths). The most important part of this celebration is the Chhaya Durga puja where they go to temples or homes to pray to the goddess on behalf of their family members who may be ill or experiencing hardship in life. They offer flowers, fruits, fried chicken wings, jaggery balls, rice cakes called “Rakhi Pachisi,” and more for this puja in hopes that she will grant them peace and happiness within their lives.

Why is Dashain a festival of worship?

The festival of Dashain is a religious festival that celebrates the goddess Durga and her victory over the demon Mahishasura. This particular month-long festival has been celebrated for centuries in Nepal. It’s believed that this celebration is a time to reflect, pray, and ask for divine help as we work towards becoming more prosperous year after year.
In addition to honoring Durga as the goddess of wealth and prosperity, Nepalese also believe that it’s important to give thanks to all those who have helped us throughout Kala Bijaya Dashain. This includes family members, friends, and loved ones who have provided assistance in our day-to-day lives.
During this time of reflection, it’s also important to remember how fortunate we are right now compared to our ancestors who had less opportunities and resources than what we have now in our society today. We should feel grateful for everything we have because not everyone has the privilege of reaching this point where they can enjoy life with ease like we do today.

Why is Dashain so important and why do we need to celebrate it in Nepal?

Dashain is so important to Nepalese culture because it signifies the end of the monsoon season. The four main harvest festivals that follow are called Chaiti, Dasain, Dashahara, and Tihar. They are celebrated every three years in order to give thanks for the harvests as well as celebrate Nepal’s independence from India. It’s also a time when all of Nepal gets together to take part in the festivities and share their beliefs with one another.

What time does Dashain start and end?

The first day of Dashain is called Bhai Tika. This day marks the beginning of the month-long festival, and it’s a traditional Nepalese celebration with various folk dances. The next day is when we celebrate Chhaya Durga puja, which is when we worship the goddess of power, prosperity, and women. It’s also a family reunion ceremony during this time.
This lasts until the twelfth day of Dashain, which is called ‘Dasai’ or ‘Dakshina’. On this day, people get together to share their experiences from the past year and make resolutions for the new year as well as give thanks to their ancestors for all that they have done throughout the years.
The final day of Dashain is called ‘Holi’ and it celebrates everyone’s good fortune in life by throwing paint at each other or dumping water all over each other in order to cleanse bad luck, wash away negativity, and have fun playing games like Holi kite flying or Goma-Lungi (a game where someone walks around with a container full of water on their head), which traditionally ends with a feast on top of an altar similar to what was practiced in Dasai.

The 5 most essential things you must have for Dashaan

1. A good outfit to wear during the festival
2. Your best friends or family that you can spend the whole festival with
3. A lot of time to be outside and enjoy the festivities this year as it is a lengthy celebration
4. Fresh fruit, which is essential in Nepalese culture and a must-have for this event
5. Your favorite beverage to celebrate with

Important things to know before visiting Dashain in Kathmandu

-The festival lasts for nine days which is broken down into four main activities:
1. The Nine-day Chhaya Durga Puja, the first of four religious festivals celebrated in Nepal.
2. The sale of naan nei maad, a type of cheese that’s made from meringue powder, milk and curdled with butter.
3. The nine-day long Kathmandu city tour for visiting temples and cultural sites during the day and partying at night.
4. Staying up all night to celebrate Chhaya Durga puja on top of an altar called Thana (altar).
-The most popular places to visit in Kathmandu during Dashain are Patan Durbar Square, Pashupatinath temple, Boudhanath stupa and old city of Bhaktapur with each having different offerings worth exploring.
Although this is a time where family members come together to remember their ancestors and celebrate new life, it’s also a time when many businesses close because they know that it’s going to be a busy month for restaurant reservations as well as taxi service due to the number of people who will be arriving in town both locally and internationally.

How to stay safe during Dashain in Kathmandu

It’s safe to say that there are a lot of people celebrating during Dashain, so it’s necessary to follow a few basic practices to stay safe.
First, always travel with a small pocket knife in case you need to defend yourself.
Second, always carry your passport and ID card with you at all times and make sure they are easy to access.
Third, if you plan on drinking alcohol during the festival, be careful of how much you drink as the streets can get chaotic and can become dangerous quickly. In fact, 36 percent of Kathmandu citizens report feeling unsafe while walking around after dark.

5 Things You Should Do During Dashaan in Kathmandu

If you are in Kathmandu for Dashaan and you want to participate, here are 5 things you should do:
Drink a cold beverage from the Khukuri Shop
Experience the mystique of Old Kathmandu
Visit the Durbar Square temples
Dance with locals at Thamel Chowk or Thagka Chowk
Consider participating in a Chhaya Durga puja.

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