Stock Pictures of Cartoon Brains

Feed the Brain With Fun and Humorous Designs

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As it turns out, fun and humor are important to our brains. Humor has a significant impact on creativity and even consuming comedy can help activate different parts of our brains. Imagine a cartoon brain lifting weights. That is what happens when you explore your brain’s creativity and humor through design.

Free Associations

Irony is a cornerstone of humor. Whether a play on words or a sarcastic retort, ironic language communicates something different than what it may appear to mean on the surface. This can be important to our cognitive development.

When people consume comedy, their temporal lobes and prefrontal cortices activate. The temporal lobe is where abstract information and remote associations are interpreted. These associations are important to more than just understanding a joke.

Imagine that cartoon brain image having an epiphany moment with a light bulb over its head. That is what happens in the temporal lobe when consuming humor. The ability to make those associations and connections is important to our overall creativity. Comedy can make us better creators.

Visuals Driving Humor

Many of the same regions of the brain activated by seeing a beautiful sight are also activated by seeing something funny. Humorous design can be as pleasing as an awe-inspiring vista.

Interestingly, we get less pleasure by consuming the same media repeatedly. In fact, our brains have a strong tendency to seek out new experiences. So, seeing some cartoon brains doing silly things will quickly wear off even if the first one was particularly enjoyable. Instead, we will continue to search for novel sources of mental activation and inspiration.

Designing For Humor

In the design world, fun is sometimes looked down upon as lesser than more serious artwork. However, the research described above helps show that humor can be as mentally stimulating as a beautiful painting of a landscape, for example.

So, as designers, it is valuable to find ways to introduce creativity and humor into design. Whether through narrative, visual, experiences or other media, having fun with design can be valuable for both the creator and the consumer. Don’t be afraid to stretch your humor muscles.

Find Fun Stock Images

Creating great design projects is easier when you have some building blocks to work from. Check out WEBSA’s catalog of photos and illustrations including funny cartoon brain vector art and many other designs. It is a great way to help you use your creative juices to the fullest. Explore the catalog today and see what new ideas you can come up with.

Types of imagery and stock photography, based on Cartoon Brain you can find above:
  • Stock Pictures / Pics
  • Royalty-free Vectors
  • Illustrations / Cartoons
  • Wallpapers / Backgrounds
  • Abstract Patterns
  • Isolated / Green Screens
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