Stock Pictures of a Fall Landscape

Fall is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year, just shortly after the hot summer days, and preparing you as a liason for the cold days of winter that follow.

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Fall brings that familiar sense of cooler weather, which we all easily associate with comfy sweaters, slippers and hot chocolate and of course, an overall feeling of coziness and contrast.
To invoke the feelings of this special cozy time of the year, there are some really great ideas out there to accentuate your home and yard to help get everyone into the spirit of fall, and to make the most of the season.

It is the time to put on a warmer coat, take the camera and go on an adventure to find the sort of  perfect photography fall tends to bring. Here are some inspirational ideas when looking for the ideal fall landscapes:

Waterfalls are wonderful, and surrounded by fall foliage – divine
Don’t forget to bring a wide-angle lens, because you can get pretty close to the falls for an extraordinary shot.

Close-ups of Leaves
This can be of fallen leaves on the ground or just a colorful assortment of leaves still hanging from the trees.

Dock or a Pier
Find a nice lake or river and select a spot to see the fall colors and leaves, with a broad landscape as your canvas.

Use that extra environmental feature to twist the scene into the vision for surreal imagery.

Railroad Tracks and Train Stations
There is just something special about the combination of man made transportation vehicles (particularly of an older time), and fallen leaves that makes it interesting to photograph, and even more to consume, visually.

Barns and Farms
It’s a stunning scene for photographic subjects to be posed, within the context of the autumn season.

Wide-Angle Landscapes
When the landscape is full of burnt orange, warms yellow and other Autumnal shades,
take advantage of this and capture some amazing vistas with your wide-angles lens.

You can shoot all year round but autumn is the perfect season to try this technique as reflections remain still and illustrate the vivid coloring even more so.

Some birds begin to migrate at this time of year which means that you may have new species around you to photograph.

and Finally… Halloween
One of the most anticipated holidays of the season is halloween.
From the traditional jack-o-lantern to people in costume, and trick or treats or more – it’s a time of color, emotion and lots of interesting subjects to frame into shots you’ll be sharing for years to come.

Types of imagery and stock photography, based on Fall Landscape you can find above:

  • Stock Pictures / Pics
  • Royalty-free Vectors
  • Illustrations / Cartoons
  • Wallpapers / Backgrounds
  • Abstract Patterns
  • Isolated / Green Screens
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