How Can Business Stock Photos Enhance Your Website?

Did you know that 55% of internet users spend only 15 seconds or less when they visit websites, on average? That means you have less than 15 seconds to impress your visitors when they land on your website. One of the best ways to liven up and provide strong messaging, is with business stock photos.

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But there are ways to increase the amount of time a visitor stays on your website. One of these ways is to do add high quality and professional business stock photos to your website.

The old adage that “a picture is worth a thousand words,” is very much true when it comes to building websites, and if you can find pictures that intrigue and captivate your visitors, then they’ll want to stay.

Why Use Business Stock Photos for Your Website

Stock photography agencies are companies that supply photos, digital art, and sometimes videos as well, to people who would like to use them for their websites, businesses, or creative projects.

Some agencies offer their images and products for free and some do not, but there are good reasons to use both types.


If you’re in need an image of something specific, or need to capture a place that is very far away from you, where are you going to find it? Unless you have the money and time to buy a professional camera, and travel to the site to take the photo yourself, you’re not going to easily accomplish this task. Stock photos are your best solution, particularly when those photos represent your vision.

You can find them easily and download them instantly.

High Resolution

Business stock photos are high quality and typically high resolution as well. Many of them are taken by professional photographers specifically for business and commercial use. They provide business owners with crisp and clear photos in the highest resolutions, that can be used for websites or on posters, banners, and signage.

If you need to blow-up an image and turn it into a huge poster, print them in a custom way, or create a composition – business stock photos are the way to go.


There are many stock images free for commercial use, and they are great for general use as well, but the downside of them being free is that they aren’t exclusive and everybody uses them. Your image(s) won’t be unique and may be interpreted as less valuable, and in some worst cases, those images are “lifted” and aren’t really “free”.

You might have even noticed yourself, that the same stock photos exist on certain product websites. If you are looking for something more unique, look around because the number of stock photography websites are endless, or just save some time and look through our curated collections and articles to find what you may desire.


If you know exactly what resolution and size you need your stock photos to be, you can order exactly what you want from stock photography agencies. Some sites even offer tools online to resize them for your needs in standard or custom sizing. Also, if you would like illustrations and graphics to help explain certain ideas on your website, you’ll find those online too in the libraries.

Make Your Website Stand Out

Too much text on websites can be boring. Images are an easy way to make your website more colorful and interesting to viewers. Images can also convey messages that sometimes words cannot and will help people understand and remember your content much better, or take the actions you’re working to persuade them on.

Understanding Stock Photography Licences

There are many stock images you can use for free on the internet, but many are also either with specific limits or stolen. As a website owner, you should know all the different terms used to describe different copyright and licensing rules for using stock images. Buying licensed royalty-free images like the ones we have, can save you from worry, as they are legal and protected by licenses.

Creative Commons

The most common term you might see next to photos is “Creative Commons” or “CC.” Most CC images can be used for free as long as you give proper credit to the original artist. Some, however, will say “some rights reserved” which means the photo can only be used to a certain extent. In some cases you’ll need to provide explicit credit to the photographer or site.

You have to read the description for each photo, and it’s terms, to better understand what these conditions specifically are. Save yourself a bit of time by buying and licensing through Websa.

Attribution Required

If an image states, “attribution is required,” it means you must give credit to the person who created it and sometimes the website where you found the image. You can do this by writing the person’s name or the website’s name underneath the image or at the end of the page where you display the image.


With some photographers and stock photo agencies, you have to pay a royalty fee each time you use an image unless it says “royalty-free.” Royalty-free means you only need to pay for the image once and then you are allowed to use it for as long and as many times as you’d like.

Be careful though, some royalty-free images still have a restriction on how you can use them, so make sure you read all the rules.

Commercial Free

When you look more carefully into licensing rules, you’ll notice that some photos say they are “free for commercial use” or “commercial-free”. This means you are allowed to use the images to earn money.

This includes blogs or website that are monetized. If it does not say commercial free, then you are not allowed to profit from the photo in any way.

Editorial Use

Stock images that are for “editorial use only” are images that cannot be used for commercial reasons. This is especially common with stock images of people, landmarks, brands, or protected sites.

These photos can only be used for reasons that are not related to sales such as news articles or magazines. Their only purpose should be to demonstrate a point or add meaning to a story.

Time Restrictions

The last thing to note about stock photography to note is, that sometimes they can only be used for a certain amount of time. This is not as common but if the image says that, then it means you only have the right to use it for a certain amount of time. After that, you’ll need to renew your license to continue using them.

Help Your Website Stand Out

Good quality stock photos can help generate leads, convert customers, and create sales. Don’t waste the chance by using low-quality photos on your website. When you pay for high-quality business stock photos, you’re not only paying for the photo, you’re investing in your business and people will be able to tell.

Before using stock photography, however, just remember to educate yourself on all the licensing laws because violating them can lead you into serious legal trouble.

If you would like to find high-quality images for your website, check out our website for thousands of royalty-free pictures and videos!

Premium Stock Images from Shutterstock (Save 10% using Coupon Code SS10):

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