Pastel Backgrounds

Pastel colors are a part of a pale family of colors that have high luminance (amount of light) and low saturation (intensity of color) in them. The most common pale colors of this year are whimsy yellow, light azure, creamy mint, and soft millennial pink. Pastel backgrounds utilizing some variations of this pallet, can achieve a sense of comfort and a great soothing feeling for their main subject.

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Pastel colors are soothing to the eyes and are best for soft emotions like love, kindness, happiness, romance, relaxation, peace, and pleasure… That’s why it is an amazing background option. Just as it is in fashion, colors go in and out of style and Pastels are definitely “in” again. The specific shades of the pastel color spectrum may be one of the few differences in their reappearance into popular use. Pastel backgrounds were mainly physical wallpaper in previous decades, but now, a solid way to keep yourself productive and centered in your digital space using a pastel background image.

Pastel Colors - Spectrum and Shades

Credit: mylusciouslife

Back in the 1950’s pastels were all over the place. People wore pastel-colored clothing, decorated the whole house in pastel color shades – from the bedroom to the bathroom, and even bought all the kitchen appliances to match.

Then in the 1980’s decade (another period of luxury), pastels came back stronger than ever. The return was motivated in part by the rise of the preppy style in the middle-class circles in society.

And since 2010 or so, pastels have raged back again, this time perhaps most pronounced within the world of digital design. Pastels are particularly well suited to any website or app that has large empty spaces to fill because they are easy on the eyes and produce comforting feelings in a world full of distraction and agitation.

Pastel Picture Pastel Color Background

How To Use Pastel Colors in Your Digital Designs

Pastels have been popular in design for a long time. They are especially popular in fashion and home design because they offer a colorful but soft tone. However, they haven’t always been popular in digital designs. In many cases, more saturated colors have dominated the digital design space. However, there is plenty of room for using pastel colors.

Pastel Color Backgrounds

Flat color backgrounds play a big role in modern digital design. Pastels are perfect for this because they can be used extensively without creating an overwhelming sea of color. A more saturated shade may be too harsh on the eyes. A pastel color background, however, can stretch across the whole screen without becoming too much.

One common choice is to use variations of the same hue. This creates a monochromatic palette that provides a strong sense of theme and continuity.

Amazing Illustrations

Illustrations look great with pastel colors. Flat color has become a huge trend in illustration to create attractive but simple designs that are perfect for modern interfaces. Pastels offer a sense of calmness that is hard to achieve with bolder colors. Additionally, pastel colors extend the range of color choices for drawing, making it easier to create attractive and engaging designs.

Creating Contrast

The choice isn’t pastels or saturated colors. The two can be used in unison. Use pastels in the background to create high-contrast digital designs. For example, you may use a pastel color background behind high-fidelity photography. This helps to give your photographs, the main focal point, more pop thanks to the contrast.

The combination of pastels and bolder colors can be used in all sorts of design situations. Try experimenting with palettes that use a broad range of saturation.

Providing a Sense of Mood

Mood is important in design. You want your color choices to evoke certain emotions from your viewers. Pastels are ideal for promoting relaxation and calmness. For example, if you are creating a design for a café, you may want to use pastel colors to evoke the feeling of relaxing with a cup of hot tea. Your color choice can help tell your design story.

Find Amazing Pastel Color Backgrounds

Often the best place to use these soft colors is in a pastel color background. Find a large collection of designs using WEBIVM catalog. These can function as inspiration for your own works or as stock images to use in larger projects. Check out the catalog today and see what you can use for your next pastel design.

Types of imagery and stock photography, based on Pastel Backgrounds you can find above:
  • Stock Pictures / Pics
  • Royalty-free Vectors
  • Illustrations / Cartoons
  • Wallpapers / Backgrounds
  • Abstract Patterns
  • Isolated / Green Screens
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