Pink Picture

Pink is a very special color. Culturally speaking, the symbolism behind it, and of course the intensity the color itself brings. Quoting the band Aerosmith’s Song, PINK, “Pink it’s my new obsession”. A pink picture may be just what the doctor called for 😉

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Pink, this delicate color has a slew of meaning, in part: sweet, nice, playful, cute, romantic, charming, feminine, and tender. Pink is also associated with bubble gum, flowers, babies, little girls, cotton candy, sweetness and everything cute. Having a pink image can soften a message, add a delicate texture in the visual, or apply a contrast to something more assertive or strong.

Society has also long held a notion that pink is the official color for little girls and everything nice, while this is often in debate, the core fundamental positive side of the societal branding of the color is indeed its resilience. Pink represents friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, and approach-ability, which also helps quite a bit depending on your messaging. A properly used set of images or individual pink image, can put the right framing on your project too. Take a look at some of the many shades of pink available:

Shades of Pink color - Pink ImagesCredit:

Another long held notion is that Pink gemstones are believed to bring about serenity, relaxation, acceptance and contentment – and perhaps more importantly, as a way to neutralize disorder or soften frustration.

12 Facts About the Color Pink

  • Symbolizes joy and happiness
  • This color has also been always associated with women
  • A pink color ribbon is used to show support for Breast Cancer Awareness
  • This color is considered to be the most delicate color
  • It is also referred to as, the “color of love” and is widely used on Valentine’s Day
  • The name pink was given to this color in late 17th century
  • The color has also been used on prison walls in order to reduce the erratic behavior of inmates
  • The city of Jaipur in India is known as “Pink City” due to the various heritage sites that are built using pink color
  • The people in China were not aware of this color until they had an interaction with the western culture
  • It is believed that pastries taste better in pink boxes and plates
  • Many famous brands in the world are associated with color pink by including it in their logo
  • It is the most given color for sending flowers to someone

Other meanings associated with the color pink:

  • The phrase “in the pink” means healthy
  • The expression “tickled pink” means being happy, content
  • The saying “pink collar” refers to a female office worker, often used in a derogatory fashion
  • The word “pink” means to cut, notch, or make a zigzag

Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink

Types of imagery and stock photography, based on Pink Picture you can find above:
  • Stock Pictures / Pics
  • Royalty-free Vectors
  • Illustrations / Cartoons
  • Wallpapers / Backgrounds
  • Abstract Patterns
  • Isolated / Green Screens
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