Plain White Backgrounds

Plain White Backgrounds - Hand and Pencil on white

It is said that an empty canvas can be a powerful statement in its own rite. Plain white backgrounds don’t have to be boring or “vanilla“… These sorts of backgrounds, while remaining largely white and without the center-piece set as an adornment or accent from other colors, can still enjoy a bit of texture, pattern, or layout. A plain white background can easily be achieved when opening up a photo editing program, setting the background height and width, then publishing or exporting to a common background file format (like .bmp). However, we’re not fans of taking it without a bit or creative input – otherwise your message or sense of achievement would likely be lost.

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The color white is considered to represent purity, innocence, and clean. White contains all colors in the spectrum, in it’s essence a color of equality and wholeness. The color also brings interpretations of a blankness, openness, and neutrality that, while not stimulating senses, provides an impact when combined with other colors or creative applications.

Plain White Backgrounds - textured wall
Credit: Henry and co.

The psychology of color can be manipulated in a cultural sense, however tends to be close in its roots for humankind, generally speaking, being made more appropriate for culture and society as people decide.

Here are a couple of ways to get plain white backgrounds to stick out and still have some style, while offering a place to add more input – or a way to simplify while still being aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Take a gander of some of the examples below and then the listed ideas below.

Blinds Light on Wall - Plain White Background with Texture and Pattern
Credit: OVAN
Potted plant in White against a Plain White Backgrounds
Credit: Andreea Ch
Green leaves from a mist - plain white backgrounds
Credit: Madison Inouye

Use the rule of thirds and seek to apply any one of the following subjects –

  • Apply an off-center scenic landscape (like one with snow)
  • A room setting (like an office desk arrangement)
  • An animal or textured wall with a lot or majority or white
  • Get close in or use a close-up of an item, pattern or texture and amplify it
  • Use shapes or patterns through an illustration and either desaturate or add white to it
  • Apply different shades of white into an image set to a background’s width and height to give it flair
  • Use a frame or photographic border to transform a plain white background into a spectacular talking piece
  • Apply lighting effects on a white background to generate shadows or dramatic bokeh’s that make it a set of impactful plain white backgrounds
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