Stock Pictures of Pretty Backgrounds

When Too Much is Too Much: Picking Pretty Backgrounds

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When you get ready to paint a picture or work on a piece of composite photo artwork, how much thought do you put into the background? The backdrop can make or break a piece of art. It is a subtle effect, but powerful, nonetheless. A pretty background can complement the center focus of the art, or it can distract attention from it.

When you put a little thought into, you will find that every part of the picture matters, but some parts are just more noticeable. Time spent looking at art and photos – the experience of work – will eventually guide you to make the right decisions. Until you get that experience, here are a few tips, more like things to consider to help get you started.

  • Plain is really a pretty background –A simple, or even a blank scene on which the main subject resides is sometimes desirable. If you want to put added emphasis on the central theme, leave all detail out of the photo or painting and concentrate on presenting the forefront. You can choose to have the background contrast the main subject or contain complementary colors, depending on the mood you are trying to create.
  • Too much is too much –An overly busy background is distracting. When discussing photos, you may have heard the term “digital noise.” What looks beautiful in real life does not always translate well to a photo frame. Our brains are much better at interpreting reality than our cameras. You have to use judgment to include the right amount of detail that will create a pretty background in a photo.
  • Magic is all around – Backgrounds set the mood for a painting or photo. If you want to create a magical feel for the piece, you should imbue the background with mystery. Elements like sparkling fairy dust, cosmic light or areas of the dark nebula can conjure the right feeling. Use your imagination.

You should put almost as much thought into what your background will be as to what you make your piece’s focal point. It is so essential that there wouldn’t necessarily be anything wrong with putting more thought into the background than the main subject.

With WEBIVM, you don’t have to spend as much time creating your backgrounds as you do to select them. We have thousands of pretty backgrounds that will go with whatever your imagination can cook up to create. From the bizarre to the whacky, to the spooky, to the subtle, invisible effect, we have them all. Check out WEBIVM extensive library of backgrounds and visuals to add just the right touch to whatever you’re working on making look better.

Types of imagery and stock photography, based on Pretty Backgrounds you can find above:
  • Stock Pictures / Pics
  • Royalty-free Vectors
  • Illustrations / Cartoons
  • Wallpapers / Backgrounds
  • Abstract Patterns
  • Isolated / Green Screens
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