Wood Texture

Wood is one of the oldest materials used by humans, including in its use as a building material. Wood in its natural abundance in our forests, provides a familiar, tough, and resource unlike many others. Wood texture conjures up a feelings of a solid, warm, and natural material that envelopes our youth, and strengths our growth into adulthood. From building shelters to houses (for those who don’t like a good house made entirely of wood), to boats and furniture, there are no limits to the use and value of wood. With the availability of new technologies, we can now see wood being used in high quality design pieces of all types, for example – simple accessories and expensive watches.

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I love wood as a texture. Its warmth and natural feel is very comforting, with all of those perfect imperfections like knots, cracks, especially the grain. The wood grain shines differently in each piece, flowing like a river through the wood. Each piece has its own individual personality, texture, color, and shape. Despite this uniqueness, wood still universally carries the sense of a sturdy, warm material we don’t mind in our products and homes. Sometimes it is hard to imagine it is used in paper, utilized to give bacon and BBQ a smokey woody flavor, in latex products, and cellophane wrap!

Wooden surfaces also make a room feel warmer and cozier and they has a calming effect that is hard to match (outside of other natural materials like wool, cotton, silk, flannel and some natural blends). Take a peek at the following wood textures and notice both the similarities and differences that make certain wood textures better for conveying a “feel” or reflecting the message that just feels right.

Wood Textures

Credit: Furniture 123

Marjut Wallenius, a Docent and Doctor of Psychology at the University of Tampere says “Wood has psychological effects on people and a similar stress-reducing effect to nature, the use of wood promotes the health and well-being of mind and body”.


The Superstition of ‘Touch Wood’ as many of us touch or knock on wood twice to keep from jinxing the expected good fortune. One explanation states that the tradition derived from the Pagans who thought that trees were the homes of fairies, spirits, dryads and many other mystical creatures. In these instances, people might knock or touch wood to request good luck, or to distract spirits with evil intentions, from being successful. When in need of a favor or some good luck, one politely mentioned this wish to a tree and then touched the bark, representing the first “knock.” The second “knock” was to say “thank you.” The knocking was also supposed to prevent evil spirits from hearing your speech and as such stop them from interfering. Alternatively, some traditions have it that by knocking upon wood, you would awaken and release the benevolent wood fairies that dwelt there.

The idea that knocking or touching wood would ward off evil or bring you good luck, may have been adapted by Christians, as were many early pagan beliefs. In a number of Christian communities, the belief is that by touching wood, you are touching the wood of the Cross and as such are seeking the protection of God. On this same token, there were people who believed that by carrying pieces of wood or the true cross, that this would bring you good luck. So in addition to wood being an elemental resource we all count on in this very physical world, we too have our “roots” in the mythical and spiritual, pun intended.

Either way, just many reasons to consider the variety of wood textures that can be used in your projects, images and videos too.

Types of imagery and stock photography, based on Wood Texture you can find above:
  • Stock Pictures / Pics
  • Royalty-free Vectors
  • Illustrations / Cartoons
  • Wallpapers / Backgrounds
  • Abstract Patterns
  • Isolated / Green Screens
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